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If you have decided you want to be a part of making a difference for families escaping family violence the process is safe and simple.

  1. Ensure you are donating to the ‘Northern Victoria Domestic Violence Housing Group (RABS)’ project
  2. Select your donor type (Individual or Organisation)
  3. Indicate if you are a ‘Rotarian / Rotaractor / Rotary Club?’ (Yes/No)
  4. Enter your contact details
  5. Select your donation type and amount.

Donations to the Safe Shelter project can be made via Credit card, Direct Credit or Cheque. Donors can also make recurring donations.

We have registered the Safe Shelter project with Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd. (RAWCS) which was formed to enable Rotary Clubs and their members assist disadvantaged communities and individuals through strategic and dedicated projects like ours.

RAWCS has the financial infrastructure (Rotary Australia Benevolent Society (RABS) to facilitate fundraising for projects that deliver charitable support within Australia. Within Australia this is the . This ‘structure’ safeguards your donation – ensuring it reaches the project you choose. It also enables you to receive a Tax Deduction.  More about RAWCS

Family violence and/or intimate partner violence is the leading cause of serious injury, disability and death for women in Australia. On average, one woman a week is killed by her intimate male partner.

In the 10 years from mid 2002 to mid-2012, 488 women in Australia were killed by their intimate partner (Cussen & Bryant, 2015; Bryant & Bricknell, 2017) – Full Article